
If you missed our Informational Session on Hydrogen by Jessica Keetso and Eleanor Smith check out the presentation below.

How can you help?

We are presenting to Chapters across the Navajo Nation, with our priority regions focused on the Western and Northern Agency. Join us as we present at your Chapter and ask your officials to consider our Resolution to protect Navajo life, land, water, and air.

Below is a list of Chapters/Committees that have supported our Resolution:

  1. Kayenta Chapter
  2. Red Mesa Chapter
  3. Mexican Water Chapter
  4. Coalmine-Canyon Chapter
  5. Sweet Water Chapter
  6. Beclabito Chapter
  7. Teec Nos Pos Chapter
  8. Aneth Chapter
  9. Shiprock Chapter
  10. Tolani Lake Chapter
  11. To’Nanees’Dizi/Tuba City Chapter
  12. Sheepsprings/Tooh Haltsooi
  13. Council of Naataanii
  14. Rock Springs Chapter
  15. Eastern Navajo Agency Council

Tó Nizhóní Ání would like to thank the University of Utah College of Law for helping us craft the above chapter resolution.

Contact Us

For more information, please email [email protected].

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Tó Nizhóní Ání
