Klee Benally 1975 – 2023
It’s with heavy hearts that we send our condolences Princess Benally, the wife of the late Klee Benally, and the Tódích’íi’nii family of Tsé Azhooshyaachii’, AZ. Journey well nihinálí Klee Benally. In his time on this Earth, Klee served as a warrior and left a legacy. We were happy to be in a virtual meeting with him recently; he sounded/appeared well and happy, and that will be our memory of him.
K’é bee da’ahiiníitą́go ałhíigha náádeidiidzįįł
(Hold each other in kinship as we reaffirm our unity)
Ahéhee Dawn Kish dóó Alejandro Higuera, thank you for the photos of Klee.
Donations are being accepted for the Family of Klee Benally. The family extends their appreciation for the fierce outpouring of support. They cannot thank you enough. Ahéhee’!

If you would like to make a donation, the Benally Family are currently accepting them for a few immediate needs. These donations will ensure that he is returned to the earth through cultural protocols and that the projects Klee was recently working on and volunteering with can be financially eased.