Pilot Project Conclusion

Tsiyi’ Tó Pilot Project Conclusion

Sam Ebright with NCDE Inc talking with trainees.

On Wednesday, March 19, 2025, the Tsiyi’ Tó Watershed Project & Training concluded its pilot project effort in partnership with Natural Channel Design Engineering, Inc.

The trainee crew revisited the restoration sites now that structures had up to 9 months to restore the local drainage and ecosystem. Monsoon rains and winter snowfall have worked within the watershed, and our task on this trip was to catalog the progress of the restoration. The day started with heading up to the top of the watershed, where soil stakes, a rain gauge, and a game camera were mounted. Careful cross-section and slope measurements of the stabilized channel were recorded for Natural Channel Designs Engineering to input and compare how the channel changed before and after installing a cross-vein weir (for road crossing stabilization). 

Evidence of soil aggradation was present behind the one rock dam structures, and room for more structure building would improve the land’s condition. Small grass sprouts were present in the rock rundown structures along the roadside, which had the most plant growth. All the structures presented increased soil moisture where water was held from the last snowfall. After inspecting the plug and spread structures, critiques on building techniques were shared among the group; plans for further construction were discussed.  

Thank you to everyone involved in all parts of this pilot project, from the volunteers and trainees to the local support of community members. The beginning of a more extensive restoration effort on Black Mesa would not have been possible without interest and continued support. We look forward to continuing these efforts in the highest headwater sections of Oraibi Wash to restore rangelands, reduce erosion, and increase native plant growth.

Learn more about the Tsiyi’ Tó Watershed Pilot Project & Training by visiting www.tonizhoniani.org/watershed-restoration

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