Save The Confluence Family Gathering
On Saturday, September 28, 2024, Tó Nizhóní Ání attended the 2nd annual Save the Confluence Family Gathering at the Wilson Residence in Bodaway/Gap, Arizona. The Save the Confluence Family came together to celebrate and reflect on victories since 2009, from the defeated Escalade Project to the recently rejected Big Canyon Dam. The Save the Confluence Family has worked tirelessly to protect their lands from exploitation. We began the day with a hike to the trailhead of the Salt Trail Canyon, where an offering was made. Afterward, we had lunch back at the Wilson Residence, where we continued sharing and learning from one another. The goal for the families the area is to return to the ladies they all grew up on, especially for the younger generation. Tó Nizhóní Ání would like to thank Delores Wilson-Aguirre of Save The Confluence for inviting our organization to this gathering.

“Our weekend together in Bodaway was pleasant. Our goal for these gatherings is to bring our families back. They all moved away due to the Bennett Freeze, which banned development. Now that the Bennett Freeze was lifted, I hope those who left return with their families rather than outside developers trying to cash in on our land and waters.”
– Delores Wilson-Aguirre, Save The Confluence